A Comprehensive List of Parking Permit Requirements in Maryland, DC, and Virginia

When moving in the Washington, D.C., area, securing a parking permit for your moving truck might not be the first thing on your mind—but it’s an essential step to avoid fines, delays, or parking hassles. Many cities and towns in the region have specific rules regarding where and how moving trucks can park. To make your moving day stress-free, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of cities and towns in the Washington, D.C., area and their moving truck parking permit requirements. Read on to see if your area requires a permit and how to apply for one. Alexandria, VA: Permit Required To apply for a permit in Alexandria, visit alexandriava.gov. You can submit applications via email at TESpermits@alexandriava.gov or in person at Room 4130, City Hall, located at 301 King Street, Alexandria, VA. Reserved parking requires knowing how many spaces you’ll need (20 feet per space, up to 5 spaces [...]